Premier Performance Sassy Mare Cookies


  •  A treat bursting with hormone focused ingredients to support a sassy attitude and your mare’s season.

10 in stock


  • A treat bursting with hormone focused ingredients to support a sassy attitude and your mare’s season.
  • Will help her to feel more comfortable during her hormonal cycles and reduce unwilling, ‘stroppy’ behaviour which can lead to her being difficult to handle, and resulting in a reduction in performance.
  • Great to feed your mare if she doesn’t get any hard feed or if you prefer not to overload her feed with powder.
  • A treat bursting with hormone focused ingredients to support a sassy attitude and your mare’s season.
  • Packed with herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids including; Chaste Tree Berry (Agnus-Castus), a plant which has been recognised for many years for its benefits in supporting correct hormone levels. Raspberry Leaf, a multi-beneficial herb that helps to moderate hormonal mood swings and soothe your mare’s temperament.

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